Ron Brickey (Muji Shindo), one of our guitar strumming Bodhisattvas, is busy working in the Washington DC area. In addition to his regular practice and prison Dharma work; he is diligently involved in the Guitars-not-Guns program which works with at risk youth (see video above).
Ron has been practicing monthly with the inmates at the Federal Prison in Hopewell , Virginia and is currently planning a one day retreat with them in April. The average attendance in the monthly session is about 20 at the Medium risk facility and about 6 at the Low risk facility. The proposed retreat is first event of this kind at the Hopewell Prison. Ron has permission to take the Buddhist inmates who are interested out of general population for full a day of meditation, silence, and fasting. He says that he is really enjoying working with both the kids and the inmates and adds that this volunteer work is a boon to his own practice.