Tuesday, August 21, 2012

10th Anniversary Celebration Schedule

Today's volunteer crew on the ferry. Left to Right: Brian, Preston, Miles, Tre and Marc.

This Saturday, August 25th we will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Order of the Boundless Way. The two day celebration will include the dedication of our Island Retreat Center, special seminars on the philosophy, history and practices of Boundless Mind Zen and the Order of the Boundless Way and a day of Zen practice.  All members of the Order and sangha are openly invited and encouraged to attend.

Work on the island property will be ongoing right up to the day of dedication with the celebration taking place with the unfinished building and facilities just as they are. Saturday’s celebration will be governed by the ferry schedule and will only include what can be completed in that seven hour window, but will include time for hiking around the island. On Sunday, August 26th, we will have a modified Zazenkai (座禅会) practice schedule back at Open Gate Zendo.  

Please plan to bring food to share on Saturday for the potluck lunch, but keep in mind that there are no kitchen facilities available so bring “picnic” style food that requires no additional cooking.

Those wishing to spend a night camping on the island should plan to do so Friday evening, so that everyone can be in attendance at Open Gate on Saturday evening.  All guests are welcome to come to the island on Friday, but be advised that there are no services or utilities on the island, so staying overnight will be a camping trip. Anyone wishing to camp on the island must be prepared for primitive accommodations – tents will be allowed but no campers or trailers.  If you need a ride to the ferry please let us know in advance and plan on arriving at Open Gate Zendo by 8:45. All vehicles must leave Olympia by 9:00 in order to be on time for the ferry.

 Saturday Celebration Schedule

9:45- 10:00 Arrive at Steilacoom ferry dock and purchase tickets.
(Ferry tickets are $21 for one vehicle and driver, $6 for each additional passenger).
10:20- Ferry leaves for Island
10:45- Arrive at Island Zendo and help prepare for ceremony.
11:30-12:00 Official Introductions
12:00-12:30 Dedication ceremony
12:30-1:30 Potluck Lunch
1:30-3:30 Presentations and Seminar Time
3:30-5:30 Free time for everyone
5:30 Prepare to depart .
6:00 Everyone Departs on Ferry.
7:00 Dinner at Hot Iron Mongolian Grill Olympia
9:00 Back at Open Gate for evening

Sunday Zazenkai Schedule

7:00-7:15 Arrive for Sesshin
7:15-Call to Zazen (Plank drum (Han) roll)
7:30-8:00 One period of Zazen
8:00-8:05 Incense Ceremony
8:05-9:00 Breakfast ceremony (Oryoki)
9:00-9:30 Break and kitchen cleanup
9:15- Call to Zazen (Han roll)
9:30-10:45 Two periods of Zazen alternated with Kinhin
9:30-10:45 Dokusan (one on one meeting with the teacher) by rotation.
10:45-11:00 Short Break
11:15-11:45 Dharma Talk
11:45- Call to Lunch (Han roll)
12:00-1:00 Lunch ceremony (Oryoki)
1:00-1:30 Break and kitchen cleanup
1:15- Call to Zazen (Han roll)
1:30-2:45 Two periods of Zazen alternated with Kinhin
2:45-3:00 Short Break
3:00-3:55 Tea Ceremony, Teisho/Group Discussion
3:55 Closing ceremony
4:00 Konsho (striking the evening bell)

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