Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Open Gate Zendo January 2023 Zazenkai

Our one-day January Retreat, begins at 7:00 am Sunday January 15th and runs until 6:00 pm. The practice schedule will include the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Silent Meditation Peace Walk (Olympia’s Capitol Lake, Marathon Park, starting exactly at noon). 

Retreat participants will be expected to be helping out and to get training in the various tasks needed to run a Zen Retreat.  The following schedule may be adjusted to accommodate training opportunities and give various participants more of an active role in the proceedings. 

Out-of-towners wishing to arrive early are welcome to come Saturday evening and spend the night in the Zendo. Attendees arriving in the morning should try to arrive by 7:00.  Other than training and instructions we will be following our traditional silent retreat etiquette.

There is no fee for attending, but as usual, contributions for food and to help pay for supplies and heating costs would be greatly appreciated. Mattresses will be provided for those who wish spend the night, but you must bring your own bedding (sleeping bag and pillow) if you plan to stay the night.

Anyone may attend the retreat by Zoom, and Everyone is likewise invited to attend the Silent Peace Walk around Capital Lake, beginning at Marathon Park at 12:00 noon.  While there are no COVID protocols for walking around the lake, people participating in the retreat (in-person, in the Zendo) should be prepared to follow all COVID protocols.

Please e-mail; opengatezendo@msn.com with any questions and/or to confirm your plans to attend in-person, we need an accurate head count (8 persons only) and for buying food stuffs.


Sunday Zazenkai Schedule

Morning Session

7:00-7:15 Arrive for Sesshin

7:15-7:20 Call to Zazen- Morning bell tolled 9 times, Han roll

7:20-7:50 One period of Zazen

7:50-8:05 Morning Ceremony and prepare for Meal

8:05-9:05 Morning meal ceremony (Oryoki)

9:05-9:30 Break and kitchen cleanup

9:15- Call to Zazen (Han roll)

9:30-10:45 Dokusan (one on one meeting with the teacher) by rotation.

10:45-11:15 Instructions and preparation for Walk (in Hojo)

 11:15-1:30 MLK Silent procession walk around Capitol Lake

                 Walk begins at Noon!

 Afternoon Session

 1:45-2:15 One period Meditation

2:15- Kitchen aids prepare Entrance Hall for Meal- bring out trays

2:30-3:15 Afternoon Meal Ceremony (Oryoki)

3:15-3:40 Break and kitchen cleanup

3:30- 3:45 Call to Meditation (Han roll)

3:45-5:00 Two periods of Zazen alternated with Kinhin

5:00-5:10- Kitchen aids prepare Entrance Hall for tea, bring out trays

5:10 -5:50 Tea ceremony & Dharma Talk/Discussion.

5:50- 6:00 Closing ceremony

6:00- Daily Closing- Evening bell tolled 9 times






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