It has become our Autumn tradition to have a joint Sangha retreat at the beautiful Mount Adams Zen Temple. On the weekend of October 13th-15th, we will be combining efforts with the Mount Adams Zen community in conducting blended retreat format that combines the Mount Adams Zen Temple practices with our own traditional Boundless Way style sesshin.
Many members of our extended sangha have had the opportunity to practice at Mount Adams and are aware of the subtle differences in style, while for others this will be a new experience. Mount Adams Zen Temple is in the Vietnamese Zen tradition and carries many of the nuances of this heritage, just as our practice carries the nuances of the Japanese tradition.
Since both our communities are modern Western descendants of Zen, neither Japanese or Vietnamese, we are not bound to any specific ethnic style of practice. The combination of old traditions holds many promises in the development of a “Contemporary Zen” form that is not of any specific tradition, other than the tradition of Zen itself.
Due to the logistics of conducting this sesshin away from home we need to know how many people are planning to attend, please remember to “register” by sending an e-mail to: to confirm your attendance. Even though overnight accommodations will be indoors, please prepare yourself as if you were going on a camping trip, with sleeping bags and personal items. For the most part we will be sleeping barracks style and meals will be provided within the retreat schedule.
It is recommended that you arrive Friday night to take full advantage of the full day schedule on Saturday.
If you want to reserve and rent a room at Trout Lake Abbey call: (509) 395-2030
For more information about Mount Adams Zen Center go to:
Friday Evening Schedule
5:30-6:30 Gathering and Casual Dinner
6:30 -7:30 Mt Adams Evening Service
Saturday Schedule
5:45 Metta Practice
6:15 One period of seated meditation
6:45 Informal Breakfast
7:30 Clean up break period
8:00 Orientation for Retreat
9:00 Morning Service
10:00 Samu (work period)
11:45 Two periods of meditation divided by walking meditation
1:00 Lunch- Soto style Oryoki
2:00 Clean up and Break
3:45 Two periods of meditation w/walking meditation & private meeting with teacher
5:00 Half hour of walking meditation (outside)
5:30 Dinner-Soto style Oryoki
6:30 Clean up and break
7:00 Metta Practice
7:30 One period of seated meditation
8:00 Tea and Dharma talk
9:00 Time for Bed
Sunday Schedule
5:45 Metta Practice
6:15 Two periods of seated meditation divided by walking meditation
7:30 Informal Breakfast
8:30 Clean up
9:00 Morning Service
10:00 Samu (work period)
11:30 Two periods of meditation w/walking meditation & private meeting with teacher
12:45 Lunch-Soto style Oryoki
1:45 Clean up and Break
2:45 One period seated meditation
3:15 Tea and Group discussion
4:15 Retreat Ends